The pricing for audio restoration, audio editing and audio mixing services can vary depending on the specific needs and requirements of each project. At Equisonus, we offer flexible prices that are carefully tailored to your specific needs.

Factors such as the length of the audio material, the quantity of noise, and the degree of damage can influence the pricing for our audio restoration services. Please note that extremely damaged audio may require more time and effort to be effectively restored.

For audio editing services, the pricing is primarily influenced by the length of the provided audio material and the specific editing services required.

When it comes to audio mixing services, our rates depend on the number of individual tracks (stems) provided by you and the time required to complete the mixing process.

To get an accurate quote for your specific audio needs, we encourage you to contact us through the provided contact form. We will carefully assess your requirements and provide you with a personalized quote based on the details of your project.

Here is a list of price estimates for different services we offer:


Basic Noise Reduction (NR):

Starting from €30 for up to 5 minutes of audio material

NR, Spectral Recovery and Loudness Normalization:

Starting from €40 for up to 5 minutes of audio material


Please refer to our services page for more detailed information about the various types of audio editing services we offer.

Edit or remove content from your audio:

Starting from €10 for up to 5 minutes of audio material

Audio Format and Sample Rate Conversion:


Center Extract:


Dialogue Contour:

Starting from €20 for up to 30 minutes of audio material


€5 for each separated track from the mix (vocals or instruments)


Please refer to our services page for more detailed information about the various types of audio mixing services we offer.

Basic Mixing (1 stem):


Premium Mixing (2-5 stems):


Mixing Unlimited (unlimited stems):


Creative Works (Sound Design):


Vocal Tuning / Pitch Correction:

€10 for up to 5 minutes of audio material