If you would like to learn more about our services or request a quote, we encourage you to get in touch with us. Our team is ready to provide you with detailed information and assist you in finding the best solutions for your audio needs. Additionally, we have a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions on our website that may already address some of your inquiries about our services. Feel free to visit our FAQ page to find answers to common questions.

To request a quote, please fill out the contact form on our website. We will review your information and get back to you as soon as possible with a personalized quote for your audio needs. We look forward to hearing from you and providing you with the information you need.

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At Equisonus, we employ a range of industry-standard software tools for our audio restoration services such as iZotope RX 10 Advanced, Acon Digital Acoustica Premium 7, Acon Digital DeVerberate 3, Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 10, DMG Audio Essence, and several other specialized tools. These software solutions provide us with advanced capabilities for noise reduction, click and pop removal, de-reverberation, spectral editing, and more. By utilizing a combination of these powerful tools, we ensure effective and precise restoration of audio recordings, delivering high-quality results to our clients.

The success rate of recovering very noisy or damaged audio material depends on several factors, including the severity and nature of the noise or damage, the quality of the original recording, and the techniques and tools used for restoration. While we strive to achieve the best results possible, it's important to note that complete restoration of extremely noisy or heavily damaged audio may not always be achievable. To provide you with a more accurate assessment of your specific audio material, we encourage you to reach out to us with your audio files. We will carefully evaluate your material and provide you with a sample of our work, demonstrating the potential for noise reduction or restoration. This will help you understand the level of improvement that can be achieved in your specific case.

Yes, you can send us larger files for evaluation and processing. We understand that audio files can vary in size, and we have the capacity to handle larger files. If the file size exceeds the maximum allowed file size for our contact form or email attachments, we recommend using a cloud upload service such as iCloud, OneDrive, Google Drive, or Dropbox.

We accept a wide range of audio formats to accommodate different recording and file types. The audio formats we accept include WAV, AIFF, FLAC, MP3, WMA, OGG, MP4, M4A, M4V, and MOV. If your audio material is in a different format than those listed above, we recommend converting it to one of the accepted formats before sending it to us. There are various audio conversion tools and software available that can assist you in converting the audio file to a compatible format.

Yes, at Equisonus we utilize AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology in certain aspects of our audio services, including Audio Restoration. AI-based tools and techniques can be effective in automatically identifying and removing unwanted noise, restoring missing or damaged audio information, and enhancing the overall quality of the audio material. However, it's important to note that while AI plays a role in our workflow, it is not the most important factor determining the outcome of our services. We believe in the importance of manual inspection and human expertise to ensure superior quality in our work. For Audio Editing and Audio Mixing, we primarily rely on our trained ears and professional judgment to make precise adjustments and create a well-balanced mix. While there may be AI functions available in our software, we prioritize the human touch and artistic decisions in these processes.

By default, we prefer to deliver our work in high-quality audio formats such as WAV or AIFF. These formats offer lossless audio compression and are widely recognized for their superior sound quality. They are compatible with various audio editing software, media players, and professional audio systems. However, we understand that different clients may have specific preferences or requirements regarding the audio format they prefer to receive. Therefore, we are flexible in accommodating your needs. If you prefer a different audio format for the delivery of our work, such as MP3, FLAC, or any other commonly used format, please let us know, and we will make sure to deliver the files in your preferred format.

Audio stems are individual tracks or elements that make up a complete audio mix. They are typically created during the mixing process and consist of separate tracks for different instruments, vocals, and other audio components. In order for us to work on your mix, please export your audio stem files from your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) and send them to us in WAV or AIFF format. This will allow us to have the individual tracks and elements of your mix, enabling us to make the necessary adjustments and enhancements to meet your desired outcome.

We accept audio stems in 24-bit or 32-bit WAV or AIFF format. These formats provide high-quality, lossless audio that ensures the fidelity of your tracks is preserved during the processing and mixing stages. Please make sure to export your stems in one of these formats before sending them to us.

We prefer to receive your audio tracks that haven't been processed with effects or plugins (know as dry), allowing us more flexibility and control during the mixing stage. By providing us with dry stems, we can apply our own processing and effects to achieve the desired sound and ensure optimal results. However, if you have already processed stems or stems with specific effects that you'd like us to consider, please let us know, and we can discuss the best approach for your project.

We offer up to three free revisions of the same mix. We understand that achieving the desired outcome may require some adjustments and fine-tuning. Therefore, we value your feedback and provide you with the opportunity to review the initial mix and share any necessary revisions. Our team will carefully consider your feedback and make the necessary adjustments. Please note that additional revisions beyond the three free revisions may be subject to additional fees.

We appreciate your interest in working with us. However, we currently only accept audio stem files for our services. This means that we require individual audio tracks or stems exported from your Digital Audio Workstation session in WAV or AIFF format.

No, there is no specific limit to the number of tracks you can send us for our audio mixing services. We understand that different projects may have varying track counts, and we have the capability to handle projects with a large number of tracks. Whether you have a few tracks or a complex arrangement with multiple tracks, we can accommodate your needs.

We primarily use Steinberg Cubase Pro as our Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) for our audio mixing services. For audio editing services we use Steinberg WaveLab Pro.

While we primarily utilize audio software in our workflow, we do incorporate analog modeled equalizers, compressors, and limiters from industry-leading audio software developers. These software tools emulate the characteristics and behavior of analog hardware, allowing us to achieve the desired warmth, coloration, and musicality in our audio processing. This combination of digital precision and analog modeling helps us deliver high-quality results for our clients.

We provide various options for file submission. You can use file uploading services such as WeTransfer, OneCloud, iCloud, Dropbox orGoogle Drive to send us your files.

Our cancellation policy is designed to provide flexibility and understanding for our clients. We understand that circumstances can change, and sometimes it may be necessary to cancel or reschedule a project. Please note that our cancellation policy may vary depending on the specific project or service. Please, read our Terms of Service page for detailed information regarding cancellation fees and policies. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to working with you.